Work with VAS 6154 or PassThru J2534 compatible adapter ODIS Service - an offboard Diagnostic Information System Service for concern VAG (Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda, Lamborgini, Bentley) can be installed on the VAS 5051B, VAS 5052A, VAS 6150, VAS 6150A, VAS 6150B, VAS 6160 or a standard stationary or portable computers and used with VAS5054a, VAS 5055, CarDAQ-Plus, iFlash, PassThru SAE J2534. If you dont wanna take any risk, spend dollars with a tested version.
Omarzoro and will hold no responsibility for what you try. I share with you ODIS-S 5.1.6 + POSTSETUP + Launcer + license + plugins: